Back To The Bass

After months of waiting it was finally time to head back down to Inanda Dam for a little bass bashing. Sadly conditions were not what we’d hoped they would be. Heading north towards the Umgeni River revealed algae on the surface that was so thick it appeared to be paint. Throwing out a popper was useless as it would either sit on top, or work it’s way under where you could no longer see it. Fishing sub surface may have worked but we weren’t interested in sitting in the muck.
We therefore headed towards the dam wall where the surface was thankfully clear of the green goo. There was however another problem in that the dam was so low that there was very little structure left. What were once reed beds now sat 50 meters back from the shore. And to further exaggerate the problem we didn’t have a fish finder which meant that finding sub surface structure was tricky to impossible.
Thankfully, despite the tough conditions, we did manage to find the fish. The majority of them weren’t huge but did provide good fun on light tackle. Nick did however save the day by producing one decent bass on a small popper.
Let’s hope we get some rain to fill the dams and improve conditions for future trips.