Our 20 Week Scan

I can’t believe that we’re half way through Sharon’s pregnancy already! Each scan seems to arrive faster than the one before, and I’m pretty sure baby girl Prior will be here before we blink an eye.
It’s been an amazing 4 weeks since the last scan. Using Tarryn’s Doppler we heard our little girls heartbeat for the first time. It was a magical moment and the first real bit of contact I’ve had with my baby as her father. This was followed less than a week later by me feeling her first kicks. After lying with my hand on Sharon’s bump for 20 or 30 minutes it was amazing to feel the little kicks misshape her belly.
As for the scan, I’m happy to say that our girl has grown nicely and is tracking all the required curves. We checked her kidneys, brain, stomach, heart, spine and limbs. It was amazing to see all of her work parts and comforting to know they’re all progressing as they should.
But the real magical moment of the scan was when our little girl started sucking her thumb. It never ceases to amaze me how much she moves in the womb (or how much you can see in the scan).
After the visit Sharon signed up with the hospital and booked our 4D scan. It’s due for early February and we’re incredibly excited for it. We also received our Discovery baby bag which was somewhat impressive. It contained a book, bottle, dummies, nappies, creams and lotions, and more. Thank you Discovery!