Sharon’s 30th

Sharon’s 30th

Sharon Prior On Her 30th

It all started on Friday, which was Sharon’s 30th. On the way home I stopped off at Woolworths and picked up a huge bunch of flowers (my dad and Cassia had sent me money and asked to get her flowers as well as a gift). When I walked through the door carrying the flowers Sharon’s face instantly lit up. She loved the flowers, but did seem somewhat disappointed that they weren’t from me…oops, bad start. Luckily the night got better from there.

After a quick suit-up we headed over to my mom’s place for dinner. She had prepared us a fantastic meal starting with Carpaccio, followed by roast fillet with pepper sauce, roast potatoes and an assortment of vegetables. And then there was the pudding…chocolate Malva pudding. WOW! Although I think I can only handle something that sweet once a year.

It was at this point that my sister elected to give me a shirt she’d been given at a fan park. It was a BRIGHT yellow Savannah golf shirt with a silhouette of a tree on the front. I’m not sure if this was serious or a joke, but I called her bluff, pulled off my smart shirt, and wore the attention seeker for the rest of the evening…

From dinner if was off to the Keg where we met some mates for a few drinks. A very lucky Sharon was given a pile of gifts which included ski gloves, a scarf and a drinking system for mountain biking. So now she’s all kitted for the next few week’s activities.

At around 10pm Nick sprouted a vagina so Tarryn and him headed home. And then the party really got going…

The rest of us headed over to Franki’s were Captain Debauchery reared his ugly head and soon the tequilas were flowing. The next hour was spent dwarf hunting after one of the people in our party reported that there was a dwarf in the crowd with huge hair. Sadly, even with my tracking skills, I was unable to sneak a peek at this rare sighting.

Western showed some good dedication at this point by cancelling his morning run and hitting another tequila. We also lost Graham and Robyn, but this was not going to slow us down…it was time for some drunken pool at On Cue. I can’t say I remember much of the few pool games other than I sunk very few balls, Sharon was on fire, and we were still playing when the bar closed…but having not gone out in months we still hadn’t had enough.

Bring on Lazy Lizards…the dodgiest of all pubs/holes. While standing at the bar we met a young guy claiming to be a part owner. Now I’m not sure if he was serious or not, but he paid for all our drinks for the rest of the evening and organised us a hookah (the smoking kind, not the good kind). Eventually we crawled out at around 4am and headed home for a few slices of toast and bed.